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Who likes how WELL MOWED the Landing zone is this year ???

Hello Pilots!
Who likes how well the Landing Zone has been mowed all year??
Well... The HVFF club needs to run a FUNDRAISER to raise some capital to pay for a bunch of tractor parts, repairs, gas and general maintenance of the (extensive) mowing equipment used to keep the L.Z. looking so sweet.
The club has had several other expenses to deal with in the same time frame.... and our treasury is unable to absorb all our bills at the moment... (and our membership numbers were low (so far) this 2020 season....)
The easiest method we have to donate is our H.V.F.F. PAY PAL account.... which is easily found on our new website under "JOIN US".... (there is a mention of how to make a donation at the bottom of the page.... if you are already a member.... but wish to help out with the fund raiser)
If you haven't joined this year yet.... please consider joining! The fee goes directly into the treasury for site maintenance.
Go here.........
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