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road to launch open?

Does it look like the road to the main launch will be open for normal vehicles this weekend,  or still ramping it?

I drove to the gate Monday just to see the condition of the road ... and could see that the road was completely dirt as far as I could see to the crest of the hill. (All the snow is melted)...

It looks like a mud fest... so I opted not to go up the road as my car was clean   LOL.

I'm pretty sure the road would be passable to the top.... from what I saw....


There's a car wash in wurtsboro.  I'll give it a try this weekend.

Michael Strother has reacted to this post.
Michael Strother

I'm headed up today, hope to be at the LZ noon-ish.

I'm not expecting it to be a thermal type day, so am opting for a later launch time.  But I'll swing by the LZ and pick up anyone who made an earlier attempt.

There's a low and fairly significant inversion around 850 mb, ~1500 feet; pretty close to launch level.  I think it will be ridge soaring with low level thermal action (though maybe no thermals given the cool ground from yesterday).  Worth getting a feel for...will be interesting.  Stick close to the LZ.