Photos from the 2014 Fun Meet!
Griffin Hochstetter landing… One of Gary Caspers creations! Plaques made from melted down down-tubes! Saturday… general good times shot!! Ryan Voight….no-stepper in Bull Group shot-all to lasted till Sunday afternoon… Paul Voight & Lil Georg working under the tent Tim Rhinesmith, Scarlett Voight & Desiree Voight Gary Planken… Singing Team Song… by “The CAVEMEN” Singing team song..”Team FLY HIGH +” Team Song… “The FISH-HEADS”… Team song… by “The Flying RATS” Launch Director Chris McGuiness Pete Johnson & Paul Rikert “Big Jorge Grey”… having a bulls eye! Ryan Voight… big Flare!! Ryan Voight…. another dramatic flare! …Lindsey Chew… in the Bullseye